Hi there! Martian here, this is an easy to go to place for all my art related sites and shop!
Martianworks TOSWork on commissions will not begin until at least 50% of the total commission price has been paid. A payment plan can be arranged for larger and more involved commissions. If paying in halves I require the last 50% before the final full resolution image is sent to the commissioner.You will get updates throughout the sketching and cleanup phase.Once poses and linework are settled I'm more than happy to continue giving updates, but for the most part I will focus on getting the rest finished up depending on what your commission type is.I do have jobs outside of commission work so communication and patience are key.What I need from you:
For any commission I will need references of your character, the more the better!References include the character you want drawn, if you have a specific theme in mind, an outfit you want them in, poses, etc. The more information you give me the better things will turn out. You can even draw me a stick figure of the idea (if you want).
If you do not have a refence of your character, a flat fee of $25-50 depending on complexity of character.Will Do:
OC and fanart
DnD charactersWon't Do:
-Mecha [Full robot]
-Excessive gore
-Anything dealing with hateful imageryYou may post your commission if you choose, use it as an icon, background; all I ask is to be credited for the image made.I DO NOT ALLOW MY WORK TO BE USED FOR NFTS
Client is prohibited to sell the work, or anything implied as representing the work in any way, such as by a non-fungible token (NFT). it may not be referenced by new contracts, including on distributed applications, without approval of the creator.

Commission Pricing
Please note, all commissions are subject to change in pricing depending on complexity of detail and how many Characters.
All prices are in USD.
Please make sure you have read my TOS if you are considering commissioning me. Thank you!
Base price: $35
3 for $90 or 6 for $185
Sketch Commissions
Base price: $50
Base price: $65
Rough Render (I.E. not as refined as a full render commission)
Base price: $100
Full Render
Base price: $200